Why Coaching?

Coaching explores what you want to work through. Together we clarify what is important for you, consider how you want to address these issues and identify how you might move forward.

It will likely involve looking at things differently and setting new objectives for your future.

Coaching can help you face times of change and stress with increased resilience and energy.

Coaching can open up new possibilities: whether that’s a new status following the death of someone close or a terminal diagnosis, a new job, relationship, home or changed responsibilities.

It’s About You

Working in partnership, you decide how we work together, how much challenge you want, how much work you are prepared to do and to whom you will be accountable. Even if your organisation or workplace has sent you for coaching.

Confidentiality between you and me is paramount. Nothing is disclosed outside the coaching space without your knowledge and approval, unless I consider you are at risk from others or yourself or to others.

Whatever challenges you have, working together can identify your strengths and values, and help you move forward with greater confidence.

By investing fully in yourself you give yourself the best possible chance to embrace your future with hope.

End of Life, Bereavement and Grief

My passion is to enable others to become better prepared for death: emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and legally.

Do you want to be better prepared for when death happens? Have you had a terminal diagnosis yourself or within the family and want to set about getting things in order? Are you bereaved and working through your response to the new normal without that special person in your life? Do you want to work one on one or in a group with others who are grieving? This can be with as much or as little structure as suits you and either online or in person.

Does your organisation want to offer focussed help for any of your staff? Or maybe you wish to invest in better grief awareness training and support for your colleagues? Do you want to encourage better conversations when someone has been bereaved? Or learn how to manage workloads when someone is grieving? Or create better working environments which are supportive of any through their grief journey?

Why End of Life Coaching?

All of us will die. For most of us that is something we’d rather not think about.

We like to think we can plan the order of our deaths, and the way we will die, sadly we cannot.

I have seen the trauma and heartache from a failure to plan properly for death.

This can be really hard at any time but especially when the death is of someone relatively young who has never contemplated their mortality.

For any involved in complex relationships, not formally recognised in law, death brings with it additional misery and pain; financial, emotional and practical.

But there are things you can do to make death and dying easier, not only for yourself but also for those you leave behind.

Let’s identify together what needs to be done to have those important conversations, address the essential stuff and put the right paperwork in place.

Why Grief Coaching?

The biggest loss most of us will ever face is the death of a loved one. It is a truly life changing event.

The grief experienced is a natural, yet totally unfamiliar, response. Journeying with me can help process the death as well as your physical and emotional responses. Grief presents us with the opportunity to change and grow.

Multiple losses result from any bereavement: often a sense of loss of identity and purpose, a feeling of being adrift, and many more feelings. Together, we can work towards adjusting to these losses and embracing your new normal.

This can be done in 1:1s or though group work. This might be something you have decided for yourself or maybe offered through your organisation.