Working with Me

  • Individuals

    1:1 either in person or online to deal with any issues that concern you and that you want to explore, including, but not limited to, being better prepared for death.

    Group Grief Circles in person or online where support is provided by a community of people, each of whom has been bereaved. Working together, each finds comfort and encouragement through discussion and challenge over an 8 week period followed by a 1:1 with me to explore specifics of how they might move forward in their journey.

    I also offer unstructured grief support in person through Bereavement cafes during the day or early evening in the Malvern area.

  • Organisations - Staff Development & Support

    1:1s , drops ins and group support circle facilitation for employees.

    Workshops for organisations wishing to invest in better grief awareness training and support for colleagues and staff., including how to have better conversations with any who have been bereaved, managing workloads and supporting teams working alongside a bereaved colleague or when a colleague dies.

    Enabling supportive working environments throughout a grief journey, helps improve staff wellbeing, satisfaction, and retention.

  • Professionals - Client Support

    1:1s with clients of professionals who face death or bereavement. I offer space to address their issues before having to make some big decisions.

    I work with any whose work addresses death on a regular basis: including in the funeral, financial, insurance industry, legal sector, emergency services, healthcare workers or veterinary surgeries. Their job involves frequent interaction with distressed customers, which can cause them personal distress. I support these individuals to process their own stuff that may be triggered by working in such environments.

My Approach

Coaching is unconditionally positive and forward focussed, all about you and not about a set way of working to a predetermined target or following a fixed programme.

How long you might want to work with me and how regularly you want to meet will vary for each person. We all process stuff at different speeds , everyone is unique and is ready to explore different things at different times.

An initial block of 3 x 1 hour sessions is recommended, but we will work out together if you want and need more. We can continue for whatever time you need to make the progress you want. The frequency of the sessions can be flexible to suit you, e.g. weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Often there is a lot of work that goes on between the sessions as you work things out for yourself and with others.

Each person has their own unique journey: you determine the pace, direction and outcomes sought from the coaching relationship and our times spent together.


You really are worth investing in.

It’s amazing what you can achieve if you put your time and energy into working on yourself.

Coaching is challenging and can at times feel uncomfortable, but it has immense value and the ability to be life transforming.

Why not commit yourself to new possibilities and change?

None of us knows what the future holds but each of us can embrace the present. Why don’t you invest in yourself and look forward to the future whatever that might be.

Please get in touch with me to organise a free 20 minute session to see if working with me might work for you.

Here are some of the things people have said after having had sessions with me: